Alpakka i 100% alpakka skinn.
Høyde nesten 50 cm
Alle har et personlig uttrykk og fargene varierer etter hva håndtverkerne har tilgjengelig av skinn.
Egner seg ikke som kosedyr til små barn
Fyll: Silikon Ull
Look into my eyes and fall in love with me!
- high-quality alpaca fur
- almost 50cm
- handicraft from Peru
- undyed natural fur
- hardly any lanoline content
Material: 100% Alpaca Fur
Stuffing: Silicone Wool
The alpaca, also called "Pako", originates from the South-American Andes and belongs to the family of the new world camelids. According to lastes scientific finding the direct ancestor is the vicuna - the most noble animal in this world.
Alpaca animals are flock animals and show a distinct social nature which is why these animals are more and more used on the animal-supported therapy. The fleece is very recommendable for allergic persons since in its finest quality it is scratch-free and thus to be worn directly on the skin without any problem.
Information: For our fur animals a real alpaca has NEVER been specially killed.

Apu Kuntur
Apu Kuntur er en familiebedrift som holder til i Sveits og designer og produser klær og tilbehør i alpakka.
Produksjonen foregår i Peru på egne fabrikker.